[자유게시판] A letter to EOS BPs

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Dear BPs and EOS holders,

It has been almost half a year since I went quiet after ESPx. Last month, I took down NodeONE BP after six years of operation. It was a painful time, pondering upon throwing in the towel after years of trying to achieve the same goal, which is to make token holders' voices heard.

I was almost quitting the whole industry, but I made up my mind last June that I would continue to work to make it happen, but in a different way this time.

From MyvoteEOS to ESPx, the motto was fixing governance by getting rid of vote-buying. However, what I learned is that what I eventually wanted to see was BPs directly communicating with token holders, not getting rid of vote-buying in itself.

After taking down NodeONE BP operation, I joined a community initiative called eosverse.io, which intends to serve Korean community members who have verified their EOS holdings on on-chain accounts and their centralized exchange accounts via APIs.

I will be in charge of operating EOSVerse proxy on genpool.io and communicating with the BPs that it votes. It operates in exactly the same manner as many other proxies on the Genpool platform, taking 80% from the BPs.

To attract delegators, it is currently providing 8.15% APR and will eventually stabilize at around 2-4% APR in a matter of a few weeks.

Since it's generating rewards from the get-go and with the API-verified accounts, Korean exchanges will find it comfortable to create EOS staking products in collaboration with EOSVerse Proxy on their platforms.

The proxy was launched in the last 24 hours and has garnered about 0.5m EOS for now without any marketing. We'll begin marketing from now on and I believe it will garner a few million in a matter of a few days.

I would like to recruit as many genuine BPs as possible before I reach out to these exchanges.

If you're EOS holder you can stake your vote to everseproxyz account here: https://bloks.io/vote/proxies?name=everseproxyz

I hope you all sign up for everseproxyz proxy on genpool.io.

Thank you!


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한국 커뮤니티 BP! 어때요?

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